Gawd I suck at this

Please post the progress you have made so far. Thank you.


City High School said:
Please Note: The value in the Problem of the Week is in the exploration. Answers are nice, but students are assessed on how they attack the problem, on how well they communicate their approach, on how they extended the problem and on their creativity and insight.
lol i dont go to that skool i live in hawaii and go to kapolei ( we get graded differently) for us this problem is I M P 2 POW 2. any way i think the answers 1/3 but im not sure why. This is what ive tried to do: draw all the possible ways they can tie the strings and still have a loop but i think im missing
After being first tied with knot K, you have 3 strings:

a------K------b , c------K------d , e------K------f

If Queenie ties b to c, d to e and f to a, then order the wedding cake.
That's only ONE way.

Now find all the ways to tie, and of those how many form a loop like above.


Hmmm...maybe if all marriages worked that way, there would be less divorces today :)