

New member
Sep 3, 2005
Consider the function f(x)=xe^-x^2. Apply graphing strategy by following the directions.
1.) State the Domain and x, y intercepts.

2.) Find F prime and F double prime and simplify

3.)Find critical points of f(x)

4.) state the intervals on which f(x) is increasing and decreasing (sign chart)

5.)Find the intervals on which f(x) is concave up/down

6.)Find the inflection points of f(x) that occur at the x-values.

I dont know how to do this thanks so much for your help
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i got that the domain is neg infin, infin
the x and intercepts are both (0,0)

I'm stuck with f prime and f double prime I dont know the derivative of e^-x^2. Please help thanks!
-2x(e^-x^2) is this right using the chain rule? thanks and what do i do for the second derivative?
Tueseve728 said:
-2x(e^-x^2) is this right using the chain rule?
If you mean "Given that f(x) = e<sup>-x^2</sup>, is it correct that f'(x) equals -2xe<sup>-x^2</sup>", then the answer is "yes".

Tueseve728 said:
what do i do for the second derivative?
Differentiate again.
