This is the problem, I think I have some of it.
15 * 4/5
will the product be greater than 15? I think the answer in no
You know that anything divided by itself is 1; for instance, 5/5 = 1. Is 4/5 more or less than 1?
You know that anything multiplied by 1 is itself; it doesn't change; for instance, 6*1 = 6.
If you multiply something by "more than 1", do you get more or less than what you'd started with? For instance, is 6 * (2) (being two "times" or "of" six) more or less than six?
If you multiply something by "less than 1", do you get more or less than what you'd started with? For instance, is 6 * (1/2) (being one-half "times" or "of" six), more or less than six?
Using this reasoning, is 15 * (4/5) more or less than fifteen?
How do you know? because you re taking 3/5 away from 15 so you will have less
You're not subtracting, are you? Aren't you multiplying? But are you multiplying by something bigger than 1, which will give you something bigger than what you'd started with; or are you multiplying by something smaller than 1, which will give you something smaller than what you'd started with?
Will the product be great than 4/5? yes
Use the same reasoning, but with the roles reversed. Is 15 more or less than 1? If you multiply 4/5 by 15, will you get something more or less than 4/5?
How do you know? I'm not sure
Use the reasoning explained above.