fPart(, Matrices, and the NSA???


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Alright, long winded question so stay with me (note: the actual question is at the end, so if you already know how to work it out, just skip ahead)! I was reading a math problem at the nsa.gov website ( http://www.nsa.gov/academia/_files/collected_learning/high_school/algebra/matrices_secret_weapon.pdf ) and they had a problem they worked out under Teacher Aid #9. First they encode a message, and that's cool. In the second half, they try to decipher the encrypted message using the inverse of the cypher.

In the page, they define it as the cipher text matrix multiplied by the decoding matrix (where the decoding matrix is the inverse of the coding matrix). Let's say the cipher text matrix is and the decoding matrix is [C]. If I multiply x[C], I get NOTHING. This isn't something that even works in my calculator. If I multiply [C]x, I get the wrong answer.

Let's take a step back. Before they did that, they multiplied what they defined as the plain text matrix (We'll define this as [D]) by what they defined as the coding matrix (We'll define this as [E]). The result of which I'll define as [F]. So [E]x[D]=[F].

So the decoding matrix, [C], is the inverse of the [E]. If I do x[E], I don't get anything useful. I'm convinced their math is wrong. If I run [E]x, I get something useless. If I run [E]x[F], I get my answer, the plain text matrix again ( [D] ).

They do a function to [F] where they run it through ((fPart([F]x(1/29)))x29 ---- The result of which they define as [A] (which we will also use -- I didn't forget the A!).

(Again, the base problem is found at ( http://www.nsa.gov/academia/_files/collected_learning/high_school/algebra/matrices_secret_weapon.pdf ) under the Teacher Aid #9 section: Polygraphic Systems )

So my question is, how do I get from [A] to [F]? How do I "reverse" what was done with the operation "((fPart([F]x(1/29)))x29" to get BACK from [A] to [F] so that I could, potentially, decrypt a message if I were only given "EYP?UQEDODRIFPU" and the inverse of the coding matrix? They're obviously missing a step.

Thanks in advance...