formula for lline w/ domain restrictions; line has open circle at (7, 0)


New member
Oct 2, 2015
Need help really quick. Gonna be kinda hard to explain but essentially its a question where i have to find a forumla of a line, easy. Only thing is you have to put domain restrictions and one of the lines (theres three in total) has a point with a filled in circle at (3,2) and an open circle point at (7,0)... okay so the domain restriction should be 3(<or=)x<7 except theres no option for that.... Im doing a problem set on MyMathLabs for undergrad and need help ASAP because i think the system is wrong, or am I incorrect???? PLEASE HELP
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Need help really quick. Gonna be kinda hard to explain but essentially its a question where i have to find a forumla of a line, easy.
That will depend upon the line type and the provided information. For instance, if you are needing to find the "formula" (usually called an "equation") for a quadratic, at least three points will be needed. If you are needing to find a logarithmic regression, many more points may be needed.

Only thing is you have to put domain restrictions and one of the lines (theres three in total) has a point with a filled in circle at (3,2) and an open circle point at (7,0)... okay so the domain restriction should be 3(<or=)x<7 except theres no option for that.... Im doing a problem set on MyMathLabs for undergrad and need help ASAP because i think the system is wrong, or am I incorrect?
Since you have not provided any information for the "system" other than that one of the "lines" (perhaps you're looking at a picture of some sort?) has two specified points. Not knowing what the "lines" are, nor what your "system" is, I'm afraid it is not possible to determine correctness.

Please reply with the full and exact text of the exercise, the complete instructions, and a clear listing of your thoughts and efforts so far. Thank you! ;)