forgot the basics?


New member
May 28, 2010
Please help,
the value of the expression 4220 + 0.25(x-30,650) is the 06 federal income ta for a single taxpayer with taxable income of x dollars where x is more than 30650 but not greater than 74,200. Now, I tried to simplify and came up with .025x (30,650)??
on just trying to simplify I forgot.
Then to find the tax for a single taxpayer with taxable income of 40K all I know to do is look in the tax book! Getting flustered quick!
Then have to find out who pays more, married joint w/80K or 2 single taxpayers at 40K each.
All I know there is married filing joint if no one in that equation has kids!
Help me start the thinking process please. :?:
backinthegrove said:
Please help,
the value of the expression 4220 + 0.25(x-30,650) is the 06 federal income ta for a single taxpayer with taxable income of x dollars where x is more than 30650 but not greater than 74,200. Now, I tried to simplify and came up with .025x (30,650) <<< This is incorrect??

\(\displaystyle Tax \ \ = \ \ 4220 \ + \ 0.25(x-30,650) \ \ = \ \ 4220 \ + \ 0.25*x - 0.25 \ * \ 30,650 \ \ = \ \ 4220 \ + \ 0.25 \ * \ x \ - \ 7662.5 \ \ = \ \0.25 \ * \ x \ - \ 3442.50 \ \\)

on just trying to simplify I forgot.
Then to find the tax for a single taxpayer with taxable income of 40K all I know to do is look in the tax book! Getting flustered quick!
Then have to find out who pays more, married joint w/80K or 2 single taxpayers at 40K each.
All I know there is married filing joint if no one in that equation has kids!
Help me start the thinking process please. :?: