Find the magnitude of the contact force exerted on P by the plane and the angle between the contact force and the upward direction of the line of greatest slope,
When a) P is in motion
b) P is at rest.
My question is this. Is the force exerted on P by the plane not the same regardless of whether or not it is motion (as the as the horizontal forces of the plane are independent of the vertical, i.e. the reaction force for example), and hence the angle should be the same in both cases? Thanks in advance.
When a) P is in motion
b) P is at rest.
My question is this. Is the force exerted on P by the plane not the same regardless of whether or not it is motion (as the as the horizontal forces of the plane are independent of the vertical, i.e. the reaction force for example), and hence the angle should be the same in both cases? Thanks in advance.