First Scale in Number Line


New member
Jan 11, 2016
I just want to know why does the "first scale" in the "number line" after assigning zero which shows the origin, must be on the "right side" of zero? I am just a bit confused, or there is any other law or rules in math that support this statement? That the first scale must be on the right side of the zero.
I will really appreciate your help. Thanks.
I just want to know why does the "first scale" in the "number line" after assigning zero which shows the origin, must be on the "right side" of zero? I am just a bit confused, or there is any other law or rules in math that support this statement? That the first scale must be on the right side of the zero.
I will really appreciate your help. Thanks.

Where did you see that statement?
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Thanks for the reply. I want to know what are the basic steps in drawing a "number line". And so I research, and I found this website pertaining about number line. If you can on that page the steps in "how to draw a number line" in the 4th step "Write positive integer on the right side of origin" Step 5: Write negative integer on the left side of origin with even spaces. I am confuse why positive integers or the right side draw first before left side of the origin in the number line?

Thanks for the reply. I want to know what are the basic steps in drawing a "number line". And so I research, and I found this website pertaining about number line. If you can on that page the steps in "how to draw a number line" in the 4th step "Write positive integer on the right side of origin" Step 5: Write negative integer on the left side of origin with even spaces. I am confuse why positive integers or the right side draw first before left side of the origin in the number line?

That is just a convention - universally followed as default.

You may choose to ignore it at your own peril.
Thanks again Subhotosh Khan, But do you know the reason why it is the universally followed as a default. And also this question is asking by our instructor in math, that why is the right side of the origin must be first after assigning zero in number line? But if you not know the answer its fine, glad you help me.
I just want to know why does the "first scale" in the "number line" after assigning zero which shows the origin, must be on the "right side" of zero? I am just a bit confused, or there is any other law or rules in math that support this statement? That the first scale must be on the right side of the zero.
I will really appreciate your help. Thanks.
If most English speakers said "that was a gauche action" it would be understood as a pejorative. But in French gauche means left, or left-hand, left-side (negative ?). In many cultures left hands are reserved for less pleasant tasks. I have actually seen that reasoning given to answer your question.

But I do not think it correct. I think it is more likely due to reading right-to-left.

But as already pointed out, in any case it is a cultural accident of history.
I just want to know why does the "first scale" in the "number line" after assigning zero which shows the origin, must be on the "right side" of zero?
If I understand you correctly, you are asking if the numbering on the basic number line "must" go from left to right. If so, then the answer is "no, it needn't", but it is the convention, so you'll generally confuse people if you format things otherwise.

It's like, why "must" we use "red" for "stop" and "green" for "go" in our traffic lights? Answer: We needn't. But if you're going to use something else, you'd better give everybody else fair warning, and you should still expect pile-ups at most intersections!

Note: When graphing things like devaluing currencies, where larger numbers (required of the plunging currency to buy one yen or one dollar) are bad, the y-axis will commonly be inverted, so the numbers get larger going down, rather than up; this is to agree with one's intuitive sense that the rapidly-increasing numbers indicate a decreasing value. ;)