First derivation of incomplete gamma function: Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,∞)


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Dec 22, 2018
First derivation of incomplete gamma function: Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,∞)

I need help in differentiating two incomplete gamma functions. The functions are:

  1. Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,∞)
  2. Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,0)
The differentiation is done with respect to t which is >0. Or is there any simplification available that these function are reduced to gamma function and then how will you do the differentiation?
PLEASE help! Thanks a lot in advance.
so actually both 1 and 2 mentioned above are a result of an earlier integration step where the second term after comma ',' is because of the limits i had to take.
I need help in differentiating two incomplete gamma functions. The functions are:

  1. Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,∞)
  2. Γ(exp⁡((-193t)/2000-1)+1,0)
The differentiation is done with respect to t which is >0. Or is there any simplification available that these function are reduced to gamma function and then how will you do the differentiation?
PLEASE help! Thanks a lot in advance.
so actually both 1 and 2 mentioned above are a result of an earlier integration step where the second term after comma ',' is because of the limits i had to take.
Hi. Can you please tell us where you are stuck? That way we won't show you what you already know.