finite and infinite question


New member
Oct 9, 2011
find an example of an infinite group that has exactly two elements with order 4?

let R(5)=[1,7) is multiplication modulo 5, so there are infinite many elements within this interval, but only 2 and 3 have order 4.

2^1 mod 5=2
2^2 mod 5=4
2^3 mod 5=3
2^4 mod 5=1( this is the identity in multiplication)

3^1 mod 5= 3
3^2 mod 5= 4
3^3 mod 5= 2
3^3 mod 5= 1 ( again identity)

so |2|=|3|=4

do you think this is right?:confused:
So you are taking all real numbers between 1 and 7 "modulo 5"? That is, 5.5*6.2= 4.1 (mod 5)? How do you prove that there are no other numbers that are of order 4?
i'm not sure how to prove this, i've been testing numbers within this interval and mod 5 of any irrationals or rationals so far result in another rationals or irrationals or itself. in abstract algebra, multiplication modulo n means that taking an element m^n mod a such that the result is an identity.
The irrational numbers worthy of testing are only 4th roots of certain integers. a^4 = 5k+1 for an integer k if and only if a^4-1 is an integer divisible by 5...