finding the slope of y = 1.5x + 3 such that soln is in QI


New member
Mar 25, 2009
y=1.5x +3
y=mx + 5
what is the slope (m) such that the solution for the simultaneous equations lies in the first quardrant?
m =? for (x,y) to be in the first quadrant; How is this solved algebraically.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question. Are you supposed to find the slope of the given line, y = 1.5x + 3, or do something with a point in a quadrant? (The slope of a line won't tell you whether a given point, or even a point on the line, will be in the first quadrant.)

Please reply with clarification. Thank you! :D
gizmo said:
y=1.5x +3
y=mx + 5
what is the slope (m) such that the solution (x,y) is in the first quadrant

First solve for the point of intersection (x[sub:2jqf0ekp]1[/sub:2jqf0ekp],y[sub:2jqf0ekp]1[/sub:2jqf0ekp]) - from the given equations.

What should be the sign of both x[sub:2jqf0ekp]1[/sub:2jqf0ekp] & y[sub:2jqf0ekp]1[/sub:2jqf0ekp] - for those to be in first quadrant?

Then solve for 'm'.