Finding the intersection of two lines.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
I wasn't sure where this belonged, so I apologize if it's in the wrong place.

Anyway, the two equations I'm given are these:

y = -12(x-6)-38 and
y = 16(x+8)-66

and I have to "compute the point of intersection" of the two lines.

Help, please?
Solve them simultaneously. If you need further help you might google "simultaneous equations".
-12(x-6)-38 = 16(x+8)-66
Will tell you where they intersect. I'd start by multiplying the terms out and then simplifying. -12x+72...etc. Once you figure out what x is you can just put that number into either of the two equation and solve for y. If you want to check your work to make sure you didn't make a mistake somewhere, you can put what you get for x back into the first line of this message and the two numbers should be equal if you did it right.