Have you at least drawn the graph so that you can see what "area between x-axis and the graph" means? If you are taking a course, or just reading a text, in which such a problem is asked, it is very strange that you would have no idea how the integral is related to "area under the curve". (The graph will help you see why this area is not exactly the same as the integral.) Does your book say how to integrate \(\displaystyle x^n\)? If so, how does that apply to \(\displaystyle x^{1/3}- x^1\)? (If not, get a new textbook!)
Several of the questions TKHunny asked are pretty basic algebra. If, for example, you do not know what an "odd function" is, or how to graph \(\displaystyle y= x^{1/3}- x\) you should not be attempting Calculus.
We're not trying to be mean- we can help with specific misunderstanding but we cannot teach you Calculus from scratch.