finding square yards for a room

becky i

New member
Jan 27, 2009
A room is 10 ft 6 inches by 14 ft 3 inches how many square yards of carpet are needed to cover the floor? Becky
A room is 10 ft 6 inches by 14 ft 3 inches how many square yards of carpet are needed to cover the floor? Becky

Hello, Becky,

What have you tried so far?

One approach might be to convert everything to inches first:

10 ft 6 inches = 120 + 6 = 126 inches
14 ft 3 inches = 168 + 3 = 171 inches

next find the area in square inches:

171(126) = 21546 in^2

Now you’ll need to convert to square yards.

Your turn.
Hello, Becky!

A room is 10 ftm 6 inches by 14 ft, 3 inches
How many square yards of carpet are needed to cover the floor?

\(\displaystyle \text{10 ft, 6 inches} \:=\:10\tfrac{1}{2}\text{ ft} \:=\:\tfrac{21}{2}\text{ ft}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{14 ft, 3 inches} \:=\:14\tfrac{1}{4}\text{ ft} \:=\:\tfrac{57}{4}\text{ ft}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{The area is: }\:\frac{21}{2} \times \frac{57}{4} \:=\:\frac{1197}{8}\text{ ft}^2\)

\(\displaystyle \text{Since: }\:\text{1 yd}^2 \:=\:9\text{ ft}^2\!:\)

. . \(\displaystyle \text{we have: }\:\frac{1197}{8} \div 9 \:=\:\frac{133}{8}\:=\:16\tfrac{5}{8}\text{ yd}^2\)
