Finding Rational Numbers Between Other Rational Numbers.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Hello. I need help with all steps of finding rational and irrational numbers between rational numbers. For example, "What rational number lies two-fifths of the way between -3/5 and 1/2." Is there a formula, or something basic I can do that will work for ALL of these kinds of questions? At the very least, please solve my example. Your help is greatly appreciated! :D
sleepnix said:
Hello. I need help with all steps of finding rational and irrational numbers between rational numbers. For example, "What rational number lies two-fifths of the way between -3/5 and 1/2." Is there a formula, or something basic I can do that will work for ALL of these kinds of questions? At the very least, please solve my example. Your help is greatly appreciated! :D

Do you know how to show rational numbers (approximately) on a number line?

If you do, then show those numbers - on the number line - and choose any number lying between those.

For example - I want to find a number between 2 and 5.

so i draw my number line and plot the given numbers on that:


....................................................... (2) ..................................(5).................

So numbers between those could be 2.5, 3.7 , 4.2 ... whole lot of numbers.....

I missed the part of ratio in my first response.

Suppose I want to find a number 2/5 th distance (between 2 and 5) away from 2 towards 5 (your problem does not tell this part - making it somewhat ambiguous)

distance between 2 and 5 = 5 -2 = 3

2/5 th of that (3) = 3 * 2/5 = 1.2

so 1.2 away from 2 (towards 5 meaning increasing) = 2 + 1.2 = 3.2
Let a represent the smaller of the two numbers.
Let b represent the larger of the two numbers.
Let r represent the ratio.
Let x represent the sought after number.

x = r(b-a)+a

In your example: What rational number lies two-fifths of the way between -3/5 and 1/2.

a = -3/5
b = 1/2
r = 2/5

x = (2/5)(1/2 + 3/5) + (-3/5) = -4/25