Finding Products

NO! Who gave you that problem?

You have to multiply (x+1) by (x+1), then the result of that by (x+1).

Same way you got 2^3 = 8: 2 times 2 = 4, 4 times 2 = 8.

If you don't know how to multiply (x+1) by (x+1), then ask your teacher. We don't teach here.
ohh ok im sorry..i dont know what i was thinking of.
so..(x+1)^3 would be:
(x+1)(x+1)(x+1) = x^4+3
math_help said:
… would the answer be x = 1 …


This exercise does not ask for the value of x. (There is no equation to solve, anyway, so we could not determine any value for x even if we wanted to.)

This exercise wants you to expand the given power of x + 1.

In math, the verb "to expand" means to multiply.

(x + 1)^3 = (x + 1)*(x + 1)*(x + 1)

We do this in two stages. We expand (x + 1)^2 first.

That product turns out to be a trinomial (an expression with three terms).

We then multiply that result by (x + 1), to finish.

Have you learned an algorithm known as FOIL?

We use the FOIL steps to multiply two binomials together. The factors (x + 1) are binomials because two terms comprise them (x is one term, and 1 is another term).

FOIL is really nothing more than applying the Distributive Property twice.

Have you learned about the Distributive Property?

If you cannot use FOIL or the Distributive Property to complete the first stage, then check out THE LESSON HERE.

Then come back here and post specific questions about why you're stuck when trying to expand (x+1)*(x+1), and we will then be in a position to guide you. 8-)
