Finding lowest unique number


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Hi, not sure what category this belongs in and hope I can explain it clearly enough.

Say you have several groups of 10 numbers.

I need to find the lowest unique number in each 10 and sort the group by lowest to highest.
By unique I mean the number that does not exist in any other group.
I intend to use a computer to do all the work, but as yet, can't decide on the right maths approach.

Thanks for any advice.
Say you have several groups of 10 numbers.

I need to find the lowest unique number in each 10 and sort the group by lowest to highest.
By unique I mean the number that does not exist in any other group.
I intend to use a computer to do all the work, but as yet, can't decide on the right maths approach.
What do you mean by "the right maths approach"? Aren't you just ordering the sets of numbers, and then comparing? What "maths" would you be doing, other than "is less than or equal to" or "is not less than or equal to"?

When you reply, please include the full and exact text of the exercise, the complete instructions, any additional necessary information (such as the computer language you're supposed to be using, and the pseudo-code you've developed so far, if this is a programming exercise), and a complete listing of your thoughts and efforts so far. Thank you! ;)