Finding intersection of two funnels


New member
Jan 29, 2019
Hello. My first post here. My mathematics aint good, I dont know If I am in right sub-forum, sorry if not and please admin move it. I am working on personal project and have arrived to possible solution, which is unfortunately above my skillset. I am looking for solution as well as any comments rearding my use of terms, my understanding of the problem in general and any other information you feel I should know better. Thank you. Consider the problem: Having two functions (representing funnels in 3D space) and I would need to find the function of the curve where the intersection of theirs area occurs. The shape of funnel would look like this I would also like to know the propper function for this funnel? What parameters to change to make it skewed? How to calculate the curve of two such (individually skewed) funnels next to each other? I know the question is very roughly asked, but sadly my orientation in the field is very limited. Im happily to try to explain and answer any questions!