I tried following your logic, but the misformated middle formula makes that extremely hard, especially since I'm not sure where the P variable came from. Might as well change y in the picture to S, for ease of notation. Discovered that the line segment is also called a Chord, and using a formula I found for that: sqrt(2-2Cos(D))=S, where D is the angle from endpoint1-origin-endpoint2. This gives D=cosh((S^2-2)/-2). This would make the angle to the two endpoints ?+D/2 and ?-D/2, and the co-ords of the two points at (rcos(?+D/2),rsin(?+D/2)) and (rcos(?-D/2),rsin(?-D/2)), correct? Doesn't seem to be working, though I am looking for other errors that could be the source of the problem (non-math errors). Thanks for the attempt at help though, and would love further input.