I have data that I'm trying to trend and some values are missing so I've been doing a simple calculation to find an estimate of what the missing value is. I just want to know if my thinking is correct.
Every month I collect an operations counter from some equipment, but some months I might miss it.
For example:
Jan = 654104
Feb = Missing
Mar = 659176
So, I take 659176 - 654104 = 11359, then I divide 11359/2 = 5679 I then add 5679 to Jan 654104 = 659783
Now it would look like
Jan = 654104
Feb = 659783
Mar = 659176
Is this correct?
I have data that I'm trying to trend and some values are missing so I've been doing a simple calculation to find an estimate of what the missing value is. I just want to know if my thinking is correct.
Every month I collect an operations counter from some equipment, but some months I might miss it.
For example:
Jan = 654104
Feb = Missing
Mar = 659176
So, I take 659176 - 654104 = 11359, then I divide 11359/2 = 5679 I then add 5679 to Jan 654104 = 659783
Now it would look like
Jan = 654104
Feb = 659783
Mar = 659176
Is this correct?