Find Weight of Crate


Junior Member
Jul 8, 2005
Two people are needed to carry a crate. One person exerts a force of 156 pounds and the other person exerts a force of 117 pounds. If the angle between the two forces measures 56.8 degrees, find the weight of the crate to the nearest tenth of a pound.

This question in found in the chapter Parallelogram of Forces and the Law of Cosines. I tried using the law of cosines and then the law of sines trying to guess my way through the question. Help....
Sounds like an excellent plan. Why don't you show what you have done????
I hope you did somthing like From O (P(0,0))
Draw a vector OA up and left, length 156.
Draw a vector OB up and right, length 117.
Draw a vector A' from B up and left, length 156 to a point C directly above O.
That is your force diagram. The answer to the question is OC.
Use law of cosines to find AB.
Use law of sines to find <OAB (which is equal to <ABC) and <ABO.
Back to law of cosines to find OC.
Hello, mathxyz!

On first reading, it didn't have enough information
. . . then I thought about it . . .

Two people are needed to carry a crate.
One person exerts a force of 156 pounds and the other person exerts a force of 117 pounds.
If the angle between the two forces measures 56.8 degrees,
find the weight of the crate to the nearest tenth of a pound.
         /|\                         The crate is at A.
       /  | \   a
     /    |  \ 156        One person lifts with a force of 156 pounds
 D *      |   \                     in the direction AD.
     \    |b   \
      \   |      * B       The other person lifts with force 117 pounds 
   156 \  |    /                    in the direction AB.
        \ |  / 117
         \|/    c                Angle DAB = 56.8 degrees.
Since we have a parallelogram: .angle B .= .180° - 56.8° .= .123.2°.

Here's the part I had to Think about . . .
If those two people are lifting correctly, the resultant force should be <u>vertical</u>.
. . That is, the resultant (lifting force) is: . b = AC.
. . And the weight of the crate is the opposite vector: -b (pointing down).

Since we're concerned with the <u>magnitude</u> of the vector,
. . we will use the Law of Cosines on triangle ABC.

We have: . a = 156, .c = 117, .<u>/</u> B = 123.2°

. . b<sup>2</sup> . = . a<sup>2</sup> + c<sup>2</sup> - 2ac cos B

. . . . . = . 156<sup>2</sup> + 117<sup>2</sup> - 2(156)117)(cos 123.2°) . = . 4441.24791

Hence: . b .= .210.8109293

Therefore, the crate weighs 210.8 pounds.