Find 2nd-degree polynomial intersecting 4th-degree polynomial

We hope that swhylina was able to finish the exercise. :)

14c(i) [imath]\;[/imath] P(x) = (x–m)^2 * (x–n)^2

14c(ii) [imath]\;[/imath] a = 15/28 [imath]\;[/imath] and [imath]\;[/imath] b = 64/49

I took advantage of the instruction "or otherwise" and used first derivatives of f and g to write a system of four equations. Let the tangent points occur at x=c (Quadrant II) and x=d (Quadrant I).

f(c) = g(c)
f'(c) = g'(c)
f(d) = g(d)
f'(d) = g'(d)

Edit: Before using derivatives, I'd estimated slopes (by guessing values for c and d) using the standard formula. A pair of numerical processes gave me a decent estimate for parameter a (which showed a repeating decimal pattern), allowing me to guess its actual value without formal calculus. The entire approach involved too much rigamarole to post.