factoring question: (m^2+m+1)/(m^3-1) * (m^2-1)/(6m+6)


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2009
Here is the question

m^2 + m + 1 m^2 -1 I can factor everything except the m^2 + m+1
___________ . _________
m^3 -1 6m+6
ginny1029 said:
Here is the question …

… I can factor everything except the m^2 + m + 1 …

First of all, what you posted is not a question. You posted an expression. I'm going to guess that the instruction (i.e., "the question") is to simplify.

There is a good reason for why you cannot factor that numerator. This particular quadratic polynomial does not factor.

Why are you trying to factor it? It seems to me that either you did not factor m^3 - 1 properly OR you failed to notice that the quadratic polynomial above is also one of the two factors of m^3 - 1.

Please show your work, if you would like more help with this exercise.

By the way, did you notice that your post displays as a mess? You can avoid that sort of thing, in the future, by using the Preview button to proofread what you've typed.

We cannot "draw" fraction bars at this site because extra spaces are automatically removed. (You can learn to use BBCode tags to prevent this, and then "draw" to your heart's content.)

We can type algebraic ratios using grouping symbols.

(m^2 + m + 1)/(m^3 - 1) * (m^2 - 1)/(6m + 6)

To read more about how to type mathematical expressions, point to the drop-down menu at the top of this page titled, "Forum Help", followed by clicking on "Karl's Notes - Typing Math".

Cheers 8-)

(I have edited your subject line to reflect the formatting you appeared to be using in your original post. Please provide corrections if our guesses as to your meaning are incorrect.)

Try factoring the m[sup:lt6zlps6]3[/sup:lt6zlps6] - 1, and see what cancels with one of its factors. (Hint: m[sup:lt6zlps6]2[/sup:lt6zlps6] + m + 1 does not, in fact, factor.)
