factoring i think??


New member
Nov 3, 2009
Ok brace yourselves for a very daft question. Im working on a piece of software which will provide a score for a piece of work done.

So i have 8 variables.. and i have assigned each of them the a weight in terms of how important it is from 1-8 8 being most important 1 being the least important.

so very simply i thought id multiply the actual by the weighting and then divide it by the number of variables. I want the result to be between 1 and 25.. 25 being the optimal score.

Can anyone help me.. as its drivin me mad.
Is this a question about a TI-84 calculator program. I was just wondering. :)
doyleshane said:
so very simply i thought id multiply the actual by the weighting and then divide it by the number of variables. I want the result to be between 1 and 25.. 25 being the optimal score.
Are we supposed to know what that means? :shock:
yeah i was hoping it might make sense.. let me try again.. i have eight number, heart rate, speed, pace, distance and 4 other its used in an exercise programme for horses. Each of these pieces of data will be assigned a rating from 1-9 in terms of how inportant each of theses are

for example some athletes will have no distance problems but might have a fitness or heart rate problem. i Want to find a consistent way if calculating what i call a sport index number, ideally from 1-25

Does this explain better?? apokogies am trying to keep it as simple as possible.
doyleshane said:
yeah i was hoping it might make sense.. let me try again.. i have eight number, heart rate, speed, pace, distance and 4 other its used in an exercise programme for horses. Each of these pieces of data will be assigned a rating from 1-9 in terms of how inportant each of theses are

for example some athletes will have no distance problems but might have a fitness or heart rate problem. i Want to find a consistent way if calculating what i call a sport index number, ideally from 1-25

Does this explain better?? apokogies am trying to keep it as simple as possible.

What you want is a weighted average.

First, choose your weights that apply to each score. Call these \(\displaystyle w_i\).
Then, for each horse, normalise each scrore so it's between 1 to 25. 1=worst, 25=best. Call these \(\displaystyle x_i\).
Then, multiply each score by its weight, and add these all together.
Then, add up the total weight
Then, divide the summed weighted scores by the total weight.

As a formula, this is

\(\displaystyle \frac{\sum w_i x_i}{\sum w_i}\)

For example, if my scores are 'fatness' (weight 10), 'slowness' (weight 5) and 'sleepiness' (weight 2), and the famous racehorse 'Larphat' scores 10 for fatness, 15 for slowness and 20 for sleepiness, his total score would be
\(\displaystyle \frac{10\times10 + 15\times 5 + 20\times 2}{10+5+2}=\frac{215}{17}=12.64\)