
Find the largest number that both 72 and 16 are divided by exactly (no remainder). That is the factor which will allow you to rewrite the original expression in the form a(b+c).
Re: Simplify

4sqrt2 +44 * (7)-(2+19*3)=

and 5x104 - 3000
is the answer to this one 10xaqrt10-3000???
Help please
Lookit Denis I am not asking for anyone to DO my homework I am only asking that someone HELP me get started in the right direction so that I CAN DO it and get it correct. Thank you for your help. I have had others to reply in the exact manner that I need to set me on the right road to learning how to do the problems I am having trouble with. They did not give me answers or do my homework, they gave me the direction I needed to help me do it myself.

Thank you very much.
Well, your posted problems show no attempts at solving.
Please read "Read before posting".
If you post a problem and NOTHING else, we can't tell where you're stuck.
Thank you for pointing this out to me, I will abide by all your rules and regulations when submitting a problem from now on. All I need is help in getting me on the right path, if the work is done for me I will never learn.


Loren pointed you in the right direction. I don't see that you ever did anything with Loren's guidance. It appears that you simply keep posting more exercises.

At this point, I can't even determine with which exercises you still need help, let alone the types of guidance that you need.

Please start a new thread for each new exercise.

When somebody responds, then post a reply either to show us your work or to ask questions about that which you still don't understand.

Did you factor the expression 72r + 16s ?

I was able to find help in getting on the right track with the problems I submitted. I did not realize I was to show you what I had done and exactly where I was stuck and after pages of paper from trying to figure it out I posted the problem thinking someone would put me in the right direction. I did take the advice Loren gave me and appied it and the problems was solved, and at that time I knew how it was solved by what he told me. Being on a deadline and frustrated I posted the other's out of desperation because I was way off track from the beginning. However, if I submit anymore problems for assistance I will show my work and comment after I receive a reply.

Thank you