When following the example in the book, my answer does not match the answer choices and I wanted to see what I am doing wrong. According to the example I am following ax+7x+ay+7y would be a(x+7)+y(a+7) but that is not one of the answer choices so I need to know what I am doing wrong here. How about if 7 were the greatest common factor then 7+a(x+y) Is this correct? Solve the equation for the indicated. y2-ay+8by-8ab+0for y 8 greatest common factor =is it y=-8b,y=a or y=8b, y=a I also want to ask about solving these equations x2-7x=0 so is it x=0, x=7 or x=0,x=-7 both a positive 7 and a negative 7 seem to fit this equation, but I can only pick one and I need help with this one x-2x2=0