Extended Euclidean Algorithm: Stuck on "compute gcd(3213,234)"


New member
Nov 20, 2016

I'm stuck at the end of the extended euclidean algorithm.

The task is "Calculate the greatest common divisor gcd(3213,234) using the euclidean algorithm and find s, t ∈ Z such that s · 3213 + t · 234 = gcd(3213, 234)"

Here's a PDF of what I've done: https://owncloud.mafiasi.de/index.php/s/SlmTUmUahVrIQWA (think gcd where it says ggT, that's German for gcd)

gcd(3212,234) = 9 so I need to find s, t ∈ Z such that s · 3213 + t · 234 = 9.

I have 3 · 3213 - 39 · 234 -504 = 9. How do I now get rid of the -504? I can't for the life of me find a solution. :/


(Please excuse all the stuff I've probably spelled incorrectly, English is not my native language.)
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A friend already caught my mistake. The second to last line should be 3 * 171 - 8 * (234 - 1 * 171).

Then the result is 11 * 2313 - 151 * 234 = 9.
s=11, t=-151