Exponential Growth Problem


New member
Nov 12, 2014
5. Spreading of a rumor. Three hundred college students attend a lecture of the Dean at which she hints that the college will become coed. The rumor spreads according to the logistic curve:

. . . . .\(\displaystyle Q(t)\, =\, \dfrac{3000}{1\, +\, Be^{-kt}}\)

where \(\displaystyle t\) is measured in hours.

a. Compute the parameter \(\displaystyle B.\)

The problem is [above].

Please help!
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How many people attended the lecture which is time zero. What is the value of the equation at time zero?
So Q(t) is 300 when t=0, i.e.
\(\displaystyle 300 = \frac{3000}{1 + B e^{-k t} }\)
when t=0. So what is e-kt at t=0 and what does mean about the equation?

It should equal one, correct? Because e^0=1.