Exponential growth and exponential functions


New member
Mar 27, 2020
We are going to model an infection that spreads through a population with a single model. We assume the infection is not deadly and nothing is done to stop it. Maybe it's a common cold?
The infection rate has a 14% increase. That is, it has a growth factor of 1.14 per day.
There are 250,000 people in Sweden.
It starts with 2 people returning to Sweden from their holidays in Scotland. They are cold.
How long will it take before all of Sweden has had the cold? Write the function too

I have trouble answering, please help
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Can you write what an exponential model for this would look like?
No, the number infected \(I\) at time \(t\) in days would be given by:

I didn't really understand, because i am supposed to put the function in a website called geogebra.