Exploring Angles: true or false: all right angles are congru


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2006
True or False : All right angles are congruent. Explain.

OK so here is what I came up with at first....

True, because the lines making up the right angle have to be congruent.

But then I thought....

To have a right angle you just need a 90 degree angle....so then it would false because it doesn't have to be congruent (the same)

Then I also thought......

well a congruent angles are angles that have the same measure so don't the two lines making up the right angle have the same angle measure?

But then.....

In the problem it just ask if they are ALL congruent. It doesn't say anything about them being congruent angles

I guess.....

I'm just really starting to get confused because now I'm not quite sure what it is even asking, Could someone please help?

{I hope I didn't confuse anyone, I'm just trying to explain how I'm thinking, could you please give me an explaination...Thanks :) }
What is your book's definition of "congruent angles"?

Thank you.

sorry about that, I did put the books definition in the problem but didn't put it in quotes here is the book's definition :) "Congruent angles are angles that have the same measure"
emmaiskool242 said:
In the problem it just ask if they are ALL congruent. It doesn't say anything about them being congruent angles
In what way could angles be "congruent", other than being congruent angles?

emmaiskool242 said:
"Congruent angles are angles that have the same measure"
Do any right angles have different measures?

Stapel you said
emmaiskool242 wrote:
In the problem it just ask if they are ALL congruent. It doesn't say anything about them being congruent angles

In what way could angles be "congruent", other than being congruent angles?

emmaiskool242 wrote:
"Congruent angles are angles that have the same measure"

Do any right angles have different measures?


Ok well that just means are angles the same, no...because they are all right angles of 90 degrees

So then the answer would be True, because to have a right angle it has to be 90 degrees, therefore all right angles are congruent or the same?