One more shot, I think...
We are able to discern exactly only what you give us exactly. If you do not provide sufficient information, we must choose to guess or to ignore you. If we guess, or if we ignore you, it is your fault, not ours. "Polite", in this case, means to provide sufficient information so that we don't have to guess and so that we feel no compulsion to ignore you. If we happen to guess badly, and you decide to have your feelings hurt, that's still your fault for not providing sufficient information. If we guess badly (which may or may not be the case on this one), and you choose to have your feelings hurt (which is the case on this one), and you start in with general flaming and name-calling, well...that's your fault, too.
We're human, we're volunteers, we often are forced to rely on our own judgment (sometimes professional judgment), and we like to try to encourage folks to learn the appropriate rules of interaction that are already established, rather than try to move the whole of society over to an individual's way of thinking.
If there is a difficult adjustment, at some point, someone will go to the trouble to take some action, much like I am doing by writing this.
Point: If you would like to do some math, you have come to the right place. Once you get the general idea of how to interact (most importantly by providing sufficient information) I think we can all get along just fine.
My views. I welcome others'.