The decimal system, in mathematics, is a positional numeral system employing 10 as the base and requiring 10 different numerals, the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. It also requires a dot (decimal point) to represent decimal fractions. In this scheme, the numerals used in denoting a number take different place values depending upon position.
Then within this scheme for every number x between 0 and 1 (0 > 1) there must be a number y = x*10^n and y >= 1 that consists of the same number of digits as x, no? (not taking into account the zeros that go before the 1st non zero digit of x).
Examples of what I try to describe:
0,1 becomes 1 (10^1)
0,01 becomes 1 (10^2)
0,11 becomes 11 (10^2)
0,999 become 999 (10^3)
0,22456 becomes 22456 (10^5)
What happens with the infinitely repeating numbers like e.g., 1/3 (0,333…)? Then we get a repeating number greater than 1, an infinitely growing integer or something like that? Is there an annotation for this?
Then within this scheme for every number x between 0 and 1 (0 > 1) there must be a number y = x*10^n and y >= 1 that consists of the same number of digits as x, no? (not taking into account the zeros that go before the 1st non zero digit of x).
Examples of what I try to describe:
0,1 becomes 1 (10^1)
0,01 becomes 1 (10^2)
0,11 becomes 11 (10^2)
0,999 become 999 (10^3)
0,22456 becomes 22456 (10^5)
What happens with the infinitely repeating numbers like e.g., 1/3 (0,333…)? Then we get a repeating number greater than 1, an infinitely growing integer or something like that? Is there an annotation for this?
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