I have been having great trouble with the following problems, I not as concerned with the problems themselves, but rather the concepts behind solving them. I have attempted for hours to solve these without a solution to show for even 1 of them. I have even looked online for tips to evaluate these but only got example problems that were obvious and simple. Please help. T_T
1.lim(x-->1) [sin(x+1)/(x-x^(-1)) + sin(x+1)/(1-x^2)]
2.lim(x-->0+) (1+x)^(1/x)
4.lim(x-->infinite) [xsin(1/x)]
5.lim(x-->infinite) e^(-x)sine(x)
6.lim(x-->0+) x^2/(1-cos(x))
1.lim(x-->1) [sin(x+1)/(x-x^(-1)) + sin(x+1)/(1-x^2)]
2.lim(x-->0+) (1+x)^(1/x)
4.lim(x-->infinite) [xsin(1/x)]
5.lim(x-->infinite) e^(-x)sine(x)
6.lim(x-->0+) x^2/(1-cos(x))