Evaluating associatively and conjunctively using = and ≡


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Evaluating associatively and conjunctionally, so I have been told that the "=" must be evaluated conjunctionally and the "≡" must be evaluated associatively. Does this mean that if I have for example

True = True = False = True = True
then due to evaluating conjunctionally it would be evaluated almost "in order" i.e. True = True is True leaving

True = False = True = True
then True = False is False so leaving

False = True = True until you are just left with False or am i getting this totally wrong.

and then in terms of ≡
False ≡ True ≡ False ≡ True ≡ False ≡ True

would that evaluate in pairs of 1 and 2 then 3 and 4 giving

False ≡ True is False False ≡ True is False False ≡ True is False

False ≡ False is True False
True ≡ False is False
Thus giving the answer as False.

apologies for the horrendous wording of the question but it's the best I can do :(

thanks in advance
Perhaps it would help if you were to explain what, here, is meant by "=" and "≡" and, specifically, what the difference between them is.
Good point, my bad

Perhaps it would help if you were to explain what, here, is meant by "=" and "≡" and, specifically, what the difference between them is.

Fair enough that's my bad for doing a bit of a rubbish question. Excuse the fact this may also be a bit of a rubbish answer but I'll do my best haha.

So = means equals I won't condescend you all by explaining what that means and waste your time.

Now ≡ doesn't means equals it means equivalent and I know that sounds very similar to equals but apparently they are different. So i didn't know quite how to explain so allow a little copy and paste from Google, this is the best example I could find.

"If your defective TV under warranty is replaced by vendor by another set, you have received an equivalent TV but not an equal set as an equal set would also be defective"

[FONT=Open Sans, sans-serif]Again i apologise for an absolutely naff reply but I'm trying my best guys honest.[/FONT]