Euclid's algorithm


New member
Oct 24, 2011
I'm working on understanding the RSA encryption system and one of the steps is to find a value d such that d*e mod m = 1. In my particular problem, e = 17 and m = 288. How would I use Euclid's extended algorithm to find the value d? I have an understanding of how to step through the algorithm but I just don't know which values I would use for this problem.
The assumption in RSA is that (e,m)=1. So there are integers x and y such that ex+my=1.

So if you find x,y you know d = x (mod m).
So how would I find x and y with only one equation?

You just said you knew how to use the algorithm, or did I miss something? This algorithm gives you x and y.

1) use standard EA to show gcd(e,m)=1.

2) use extended part to "go backwards" and obtain a linear combination of e and m equal to 1.
de= 1 (mod m) means de= 1+ im for some integer m. That is the same as de- im= 1. Of course, the "Eucidean Algorithm" says that, for d and m relatively prime, there exist i satisfying that equation. A standard way of finding it is to start dividing: if e divides into m a times with remainder p, then m- ae= p. And we can continue that way.

For example, to solve 7e= 1 (mod 11) we can write 7e= 1+ 11i so that 7e- 11i= 1. y divides into 11 once with remainder 4: 11- 7= 4. 4 divides into 7 once with remainder 3: 7- 4= 3. 3 divides into 4 once with remainder 1: 4- 3= 1. replacing that with "3" with "7- 4", 4- (7- 4)= 2(4)- 7= 1. Then replace that 4 with 11- 7: 2(11- 7)- 7= 2(11)- 3(7)= 1. That's almost what we want but has the wrong signs: instead (-3)7)- (-2)(11)= 1 so that e= -3 (mod 11). Of course, that is the same as e= 11- 3= 8 (mod 7) if we want to stay between 0 and 11.

Because those are relatively small numbers, we could also have done this: there is NO integer, e such that 7e= 1 so we look at 11+ 1= 12. 7 does not evenly divide 12 so we look at 11+ 12= 23. 7 does not evenly divide 23 so we look at 11+ 23= 34. 7 does not evenly divide 34 so we look at 11+ 34= 45. 7 does not evenly divide 45 so we look at 11+ 45= 56. And finally, we see that 7 divides 8 times: 7e= 1 (mod 11) gives e= 8 (mod 11).