Euclidean vector spaces algebra question


New member
Nov 16, 2019
Hello, I require help with the question: What can you say about two nonzero vectors, u and v, that satisfy the equation ||u + v|| = ||u|| + ||v||?

I realise this equation is the triangle inequality for vectors but with both sides equal instead of having the left side less than or equal to the right. It also resembles Pythagoras theorem but without any squares. I just don't know where to begin to come up with an answer to the question.

Thanks in advance!
Hello, I require help with the question: What can you say about two nonzero vectors, u and v, that satisfy the equation ||u + v|| = ||u|| + ||v||?

I realise this equation is the triangle inequality for vectors but with both sides equal instead of having the left side less than or equal to the right. It also resembles Pythagoras theorem but without any squares. I just don't know where to begin to come up with an answer to the question.

Thanks in advance!
Have you learned to add vectors using "Law of parallelogram"?
Hello, I require help with the question: What can you say about two nonzero vectors, u and v, that satisfy the equation ||u + v|| = ||u|| + ||v||?

I realise this equation is the triangle inequality for vectors but with both sides equal instead of having the left side less than or equal to the right. It also resembles Pythagoras theorem but without any squares. I just don't know where to begin to come up with an answer to the question.

Thanks in advance!
Where does the triangle inequality come from? Under which conditions does the triangle inequality have equality (it must have equality sometimes else the formula would just have the less than symbol)

If two sides of a triangle have sides of length a and b then what can the length of the 3rd side of the triangle be between?
Where does the triangle inequality come from? Under which conditions does the triangle inequality have equality (it must have equality sometimes else the formula would just have the less than symbol)

If two sides of a triangle have sides of length a and b then what can the length of the 3rd side of the triangle be between?
From my understanding, the triangle inequality comes from the sum of two sides of a triangle being at least as large as the third. Does that mean for the equation I have asked about, u and v must both not be the longest side of the triangle? Not sure where I am going with this..
Hello, I require help with the question: What can you say about two nonzero vectors, u and v, that satisfy the equation ||u + v|| = ||u|| + ||v||?
Reminder: \(\displaystyle \|u\|^2=(u\cdot u)\) thus \(\displaystyle \|u+v\|^2=\|u\|^2+2(u\cdot v)+\|v\|^2\)
So \(\displaystyle \left(\|u\|+\|v\|\right)^2=\|u\|^2+2\|u\|\|v\|+\|v\|^2\) so that implies \(\displaystyle 2\|u\|\|v\|=2(u\cdot v)\)
So what can be said?
Reminder: \(\displaystyle \|u\|^2=(u\cdot u)\) thus \(\displaystyle \|u+v\|^2=\|u\|^2+2(u\cdot v)+\|v\|^2\)
So \(\displaystyle \left(\|u\|+\|v\|\right)^2=\|u\|^2+2\|u\|\|v\|+\|v\|^2\) so that implies \(\displaystyle 2\|u\|\|v\|=2(u\cdot v)\)
So what can be said?
u and v are equal is the conclusion that I have come to