Great. That is exactly what someone wanting others to do his work for him would say.
1) You need a better tranalator.
"Make a study of equations and the layout of the chart below:"
This makes little sense in English. Perhaps, "Discus the locus of points defined by the following equations and then graph the equations."
2) Struggling with algebra, when it should be second nature, could mean several things, but the top two on my list are:
---- a) You are not prepared for the class you are in. Back up a step and practice so that you can quit struggling.
---- b) You must demonstrate a willingness to be wrong and simply try to do it. Not trying will not be helpful.
3) You are not getting anywhere doing this your way. Learn from all those who have encouraged you to change the direction of your efforts and pleas. No demonstrated effort cannot be a positive sign. Give a positive sign!