Hello there 
So I am studying for a Test, and came over this issue with one of my practice equations. I more often than not, struggle a bit with the Quadratics when it comes down to order, basicly doing something in a different order, than my solution does.
On this one however, I can not figure out, why I have to obey, and can't do it along my own way (even if it may be a bit more complicated). As said, this usually works out, after a while of trouble shooting.
This is the URL to my Question/Solutions on Symbolab (I'm not sure if you can access it, without the premium Membership)
And following i'll show you my try:

(red marks are what i forgot in the first run, then corrected it)
You can see the GREEN 7/9 on the right side, this is where Symbolab starts doing something different than me. They combine them both, to one single term. However not doing this should stil get me to the correct solutions, in my knowledge.
On the bottom, red is my solution(s), IGNORE the green ones.
I think the Solutions should be: x=1.215,x=0.549
However Symbolab only pleases me with:

I'd be very glad if someone can explain to me what I am doing wrong
So I continue, and try solving it.
I'd be glad if someone can explain my mistake, and calm my mind. I really can't imagine symbolab bugging out on me and giving me a wrong answer.
Thanks for the help in advance
So I am studying for a Test, and came over this issue with one of my practice equations. I more often than not, struggle a bit with the Quadratics when it comes down to order, basicly doing something in a different order, than my solution does.
On this one however, I can not figure out, why I have to obey, and can't do it along my own way (even if it may be a bit more complicated). As said, this usually works out, after a while of trouble shooting.
This is the URL to my Question/Solutions on Symbolab (I'm not sure if you can access it, without the premium Membership)
And following i'll show you my try:

(red marks are what i forgot in the first run, then corrected it)
You can see the GREEN 7/9 on the right side, this is where Symbolab starts doing something different than me. They combine them both, to one single term. However not doing this should stil get me to the correct solutions, in my knowledge.
On the bottom, red is my solution(s), IGNORE the green ones.
I think the Solutions should be: x=1.215,x=0.549
However Symbolab only pleases me with:

I'd be very glad if someone can explain to me what I am doing wrong
So I continue, and try solving it.
I'd be glad if someone can explain my mistake, and calm my mind. I really can't imagine symbolab bugging out on me and giving me a wrong answer.
Thanks for the help in advance