Hello and thanks for taking the time to read.
Just installed a new furnace and A/C and Feb. was our first full month of it being in use. What I'm trying to figure out is how much less electricity we used over last Feb. considering this Feb. was colder:
This Feb. we used 23% less electricity than last Feb.
This Feb. was 29% colder than less Feb.
So I guess I'm wanting to know if this Feb. and last Feb. had the exact same avg. temp., then the "23% less electricity used" would really be?
Just installed a new furnace and A/C and Feb. was our first full month of it being in use. What I'm trying to figure out is how much less electricity we used over last Feb. considering this Feb. was colder:
This Feb. we used 23% less electricity than last Feb.
This Feb. was 29% colder than less Feb.
So I guess I'm wanting to know if this Feb. and last Feb. had the exact same avg. temp., then the "23% less electricity used" would really be?