efficiency: 75 kW-hr/day, 500 W/m^2 for 10 hrs; if 12.5% eff


New member
Nov 7, 2008
You need 75 kWh per day for your house, and you can collect 500 W/m2 from the Sun 10 hours a day on your plot of land. If the efficiency of the solar panels you are intending to put on your roof is 12.5%, how large must your roof be?

I am not sure where to begin. Any help in getting me started and explaining what to do and how to do it would be most appreciated. Thank you.
How is "efficiency" defined? Are you supposed to assume that you can convert only 12.5% of the five hundred watts that are collected by each square meter of solar panel?

Thank you! :D

according to our readings "efficiency" is defined as Efficiency = work done/energy used.

as far as your second question, it is unclear to me as to what is assumed and what is not. What I posted was the exact question.
The reading that I had done that goes with this question was on chapter 5 of "Touch This! Conceptual Physic for Everyone" by Paul G. Hewitt.
The question was one from my teacher though.