domain, range, intercepts and asymptotes of a graph


New member
Mar 11, 2007
I need to graph the following function and state the domain, range, intercepts and asymptotes

f(x)=2e to the (-x) + 3

I have no idea of how to do this
This is a concept problem, not a calculation problem.

Domain: What can you substitute for x? All Real Numbers. Just try to find one that doesn't wok. You can't do it.

Range: What can you get out of it? e^{something} is always positive. Multiply it by two and add three and it's still positive. At first glance, it appears f(x) > 3.
hunter23 said:
I need to graph the following function and state the domain, range, intercepts and asymptotes.... I have no idea of how to do this
If you "have no idea how to do" any of this, then you probably need more help than we can offer. (We can help students work through specific exercises, but this assumes that the student has a basic grasp of the underlying material.) :oops:

We'll be glad to try to find online lessons to help you learn the background material (so you will have at least some idea what's being asked here), but you'll need to specify the topics which are new to you:

Have you done any graphing at all? In particular, have you ever worked with intercepts? Have you learned about functions at all? In particular, have you heard of "domain" and/or "range"? Have you ever worked with asymptotes (probably for rational functions)? Have you ever studied logarithms and/or exponentials at all?

Thank you! :D
