Do I use division for this to be solved?


New member
Sep 9, 2011
There are 477,007 people living in the city, and each working adult makes $73,007.00 average income per year. How much revenue on a yearly average will that city expect to see as the total amount. Do I use division, or do I multipy, I tried to multiply and I got a very large number. Then I tried to divide, and now I'm confused. I know that I have the math dsylexia, and it's a pain to work around. I have done so many math classes, and then, I forget it all.
...each working adult makes $73,007.00 average income per year.
This is a preposterous statement. Are you SURE you quoted the problem as it was given?

How many working adults are there? Problem is very poorly worded as presently viewed.

Please don't multiply of divide willy-nilly. Have a theory, first.