Quite a while ago, I was asked to find the smallest positive integer with 12 positive even divisors and 6 positive odd divisors.
After trying for a while and not finding the answer, I read that the smallest number with 6 odd divisors is 3^2(5), and to get additionally 12 even, we must multiply by 2^2.
It is obviously true, but is there a trick to it or do you just do it the long way. Can someone explain?
Quite a while ago, I was asked to find the smallest positive integer with 12 positive even divisors and 6 positive odd divisors.
After trying for a while and not finding the answer, I read that the smallest number with 6 odd divisors is 3^2(5), and to get additionally 12 even, we must multiply by 2^2.
It is obviously true, but is there a trick to it or do you just do it the long way. Can someone explain?