Dividing small numbers by large numbers: 60 divided by 105 and 17 divide by 234


New member
Dec 23, 2016
How do you solve 60 divided by 105 and 17 divide by 234. Small numbers by large numbers. Without a calculator. Long division method or short division method. Thank you
How do you solve 60 divided by 105 and 17 divide by 234. Small numbers by large numbers. Without a calculator. Long division method or short division method. Thank you
When both the numerator and the denominators are composite numbers, I quickly check whether common factors can be eliminated. For example,

(60)/(105) = (3 * 5 * 4)/(3 * 5 * 7) = 4/7 = 0.571428 (repeat) .... by long mental division

for 17/234 .... we do not have any common factor.


17/234 = 0.0726... long paper-pencil division

I do not know anything about short-division method.
4/7 = 0.571428 (repeat) .... by long mental division


17/234 = 0.0726... long paper-pencil division

Illtry, I expect you would be using the latter method, because 1) the former
method is more likely to trip you up and 2) you won't have a paper record to see
where you went wrong in the division.