dividing equations with x

x/3 + 3=x/7 can anyone help me find this solution if there is one?

For this problem, easy thing to do would be to multiply both sides of the "=" sign, with the LCM of the denominators (3, 1 & 7) - and get rid of the fraction expression.

Please share your work with us, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.
Your title is VERY discouraging. Search your mind for the addition of fractions. Seriously, a much better way to go than what you have suggested.
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If ax+ c= bx, then ax- bx+ c= 0, ax- bx= -c, (a- b)x= -c, x= c/(a- b). The rest is arithmetic.

Why was this posted in "differential equations"?
Why was this posted in "differential equations"?

One of my opinions as to why many threads are inappropriately placed is that people who are on a fish'in trip have little to no situational awareness. :neutral: