Divided Difference Table - Guidance


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Given points
and associated function values
define the first order divided difference and then the higher order divided differences.

I get it's asking for general definitions not a specific answer obviously. If it were a specific divided difference question I'd draw a table based off the xj and f(xj) values and i guess each point in the triangle on it's side ie the table would be the each divided difference order the first calculation column being order 1 and then the next order 2. I guess i'm just not sure about how I answer the question because it doesn't seem like the explanation I just gave then would be what they want considering it's a preparation exam question worth 4 marks. Thanks.
Let the subscript j take on some specific values.

Are you able to work with these symbolic numbers?


i guess each point in the triangle on it's side ie the table would be the each divided difference order the first calculation column being order 1 and then the next order 2

I'm not sure what the triangle is about, and I find the English statement above difficult to resolve.
I was writing in French but that aside, by triangle I mean the divided difference table. Whereby each column is the order of the divided difference, with the left most column being order 1 and then the column to it's right being order 2 and so forth. But do you think that is what they're accepting as an answer for a definition, or what do you think is the best definition?
Well, if you're planning on writing out a table, you need to use something to the represent the entries.

No, I'm not sure what they want. As they asked you to use xj and f(xj), my guess is for the standard definition. I'm think that you can find it on Wikipedia or university web pages;
try googling keywords: definition divided differences .

This type of definition does not require a table.

Look for symbolism that matches the function notation that you've been asked to use.