Distinct eigenvalues

Imum Coeli

Junior Member
Dec 3, 2012
I was wondering if the following reasoning is correct?

If A has n distinct eigenvalues then A has n linearly independent eigenvectors.
So if A is 4 by 4 and has distinct eigenvalues, where

A*[0 1 0 1]' = [0 1 0 1]' and A*[1 0 1 0]' = [-1 0 -1 0]'

Then [1 1 1 1]' cannot be an eigenvector because it is a linear combination of [0 1 0 1]' and [-1 0 -1 0]' ?

Think about the general problem. Suppose \(\displaystyle (v,\lambda), (w,\mu)\) are eigen-pairs for a matrix \(\displaystyle A\).

Then \(\displaystyle A(v+w) = Av+Aw=\lambda v + \mu w\). So \(\displaystyle \lambda = \mu\) if and only if \(\displaystyle A(v+w) = \lambda(v+w)\).