Diameter of Neopets pizza in Lenny Con. puzzler contest

I believe the point of these questions is for you to demonstrate creativity and attention. Have at it.

meera said:
Hi I was searching the internet, and stumbled across this question; I was wondering if you could help.... http://www.neopets.com/games/conundrum....
That story seems improbable. More likely, since the newest "Lenny Conundrum" weekly contest puzzler was issued only a few hours before your post, you're hoping the math tutors here will "buy" that this is a genuine math query and will give you the answer quickly so you can then win the prizes and points.

Since Neopets has been fairly clear in saying that the answer should not be posted before the contest closes (and since you and we are aware of this), it is unlikely that you will be handed the prize-winning answer before next Wednesday. Note: I believe it is also a violation of the terms of use for your Neopets account to post Neopets images without Neopets permission. The link you posted has been deactivated; please do not expose this math-help site in this manner again.

However, if, as you claim, you're just curious about how to work through this riddler, then please feel free to show your work and reasoning, so the tutors can see where you are stuck with the mathematics and provide hints to get you going again.

Thank you for your consideration.
