Hello, Trenters4325!
The way I interpreted the problem, it
is possible . . .
I think they meant: \(\displaystyle \,A_1,\;A_n,\;B\)
in some order are consecutive vertices.
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/60° \
A1 o * * * * o A2
* *
* *
An o o A3
* *
* *
* *
For a regular \(\displaystyle n\)-gon, an interior angle, say, \(\displaystyle \angle A_nA_1A_2.\,\) is equal to: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{180(n\,-\,2)}{n}\) degrees.
Hence, \(\displaystyle \angle A_nA_1B \:=\:\frac{180(n\,-\,2)}{n}\,+\,60\) degrees.
This angle is to be an interior angle of another regular polygon of, say, \(\displaystyle k\) sides.
A regular \(\displaystyle k\)-gon has an interior angle of: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{180(k\,-\,2)}{k}\) degrees.
So we have: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{180(n\,-\,2)}{n}\,+\,60\;=\;\frac{180(k\,-\,2)}{k}\)
Solve for \(\displaystyle k:\;\;k \:=\:\frac{6n}{6\,-\,n}\)
Since \(\displaystyle k\) is a positive integer, there are but a few solutions:
\(\displaystyle \;\;(n,\,k)\;=\;\sout{(2,3)},\;(3,6),\;(4,12),\;(5,30)\)
The largest value is: \(\displaystyle \,n\,=\,5\)
If we start with a regular pentagon,
the new interior angle \(\displaystyle (108\,+\,60\:=\:168^o)\) belongs to a regular 30-gon.