Determine daily admissions needed based on remaining days and goal


New member
Feb 13, 2021

I currently have a spreadsheet that lists the days of the month and census for each day. I also have a total monthly goal of "resident days" (which is all daily census added for the month.)

The key part is each admission adds 1 "resident day" for all remaining days of the month. So if someone were to be admitted today (Feb 13) then it would add 16 resident days to the monthly total, but if they admitted on Feb 28 then it would only add 1 day.

I would like to see what is needed each day on average to reach the monthly goal. This will change each day based on admits and remaining days of the month. I'm realizing this is more of a math problem, but maybe there is an easier way to get these results using excel.

Here are my example numbers:
16 Days Remaining
2578 Current Resident Days
2765 Goal

187 needed to hit Goal. The average would be 11.69 census increase daily, but that is if they were all added today.

I hope this makes sense. Thank you for any help.
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I currently have a spreadsheet that lists the days of the month and census for each day. I also have a total monthly goal of "resident days" (which is all daily census added for the month.)

The key part is each admission adds 1 "resident day" for all remaining days of the month. So if someone were to be admitted today (Feb 13) then it would add 16 resident days to the monthly total, but if they admitted on Feb 28 then it would only add 1 day.

I would like to see what is needed each day on average to reach the monthly goal. This will change each day based on admits and remaining days of the month. I'm realizing this is more of a math problem, but maybe there is an easier way to get these results using excel.

Here are my example numbers:
16 Days Remaining
2578 Current Resident Days
2765 Goal

187 needed to hit Goal. The average would be 11.69 census increase daily, but that is if they were all added today.

I hope this makes sense. Thank you for any help.
I'm a little confused. With 2578 resident days over 13 days, you've averaged 198 residents. If they all stay the rest of the month, won't you have 3173 MORE resident days, and be far over the quota? Or did you calculate that assuming they will all stay, so that your "current" RD number is really the number you expect if no one new comes (and there are only 92 there currently)? I'll suppose that is what you meant, so that adding 12 more people today would take you to the goal.

If you suppose that new residents would arrive in a constant stream (the same number each day), then on average they would reside for 8 days (half the remaining time. So you just have to divide by 8 rather than 16, and the number you would need per day is just twice the number you calculated based on all arriving today. (And I suppose that's actually the net gain each day, subtracting any who leave.)